Thursday, February 23, 2006

The new dental floss tycoons

These Missoula, Montana, boogie-rock specialists are the last remaining survivors of a scene that sprouted long ago in a country far, far away. Call them the biggest fish in the small river that runs through it, if you like, you'll still want to lock away your women and chilluns when this Big Sky five-piece storms down from the Rockies. The new disc, recorded in Bellingham, Washington, is called Cobra Blood Hangover, but is yet to be realeased. Soon-to-be-classic tracks, however, with irresistable titles such as "Whörehäus," "The International Playboys get a bottle of wine go to the beach and get fucked up" and "American king cobra," pretty much speak for themselves.

The fine-dressing International Playboys play Spiro's on Red River Street, midnight on March 15. You've been warned.


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